...und die ideen fliegen / ...and the ideas soar
Animal Religion

Frankfurt – Junge Theaterwerkstatt am Zoo

Fri. 8.11. I 10 am
Sat. 9.11. I 11 am
Sun. 10.11. I 10 am
For children from 2 years
Duration: 30 min.
Language: no language
Tickets: solidarity pricing system (you choose): € 7 / € 11 / € 20 / € 35 Kita-groups (with advance payment): €5

Teaser (via Vimeo)


A circus show that combines performing, encounters with the audience, lighting and music to make every individual performance a unique experience. Audience members aged two and over are invited to discover their own bodies and those of others in new ways.

The Catalan contemporary circus company Animal Religion creates a space here in which a few objects play the leading roles, articulating ideas in a series of comic and fantastic scenes: making them float, fly and spin around!

Download: Additional material and information on sensory stimuli (PDF)

*on Friday 08.11. there will be a “Hände und Füße” performance for an audience on the autistic spectrum. FIND OUT MORE



Authorship: Quim Girón, Jou Serra and Joan Cot
Music and sound atmosphere: Joan Cot Ros
Lighting room and design: Jou Serra
Performers and movement: Quim Girón, Nora Baylach
Production management: El Clima Mola
Tour production and management: Imaginart

In co-production with elPetit / laSala and Mercat De Les Flors. Supported by Departament De Cultura - Generalitat De Catalunya.

Foto: Tristán Pérez Marín