Taranto Aleatorio
María del Mar Suárez/La Chachi

Staatstheater Darmstadt – Kammerspiele

Son. 3.11. I 6 pm
Duration: 50 min.
Language: no language
Tickets: 10€-26€ / reduced 5€-13€

Teaser (via Vimeo)

Two women are eating sunflower seeds in a park, a doorway or a courtyard. They share an everyday space, a conversation and the intimacy of silence. Suddenly singing and dancing interrupt this normal world and transform it into a magical spectacle.

In ‘Taranto Aleatorio’ (“Random Taranto”) the choreographer and dancer María del Mar Suárez/La Chachi and the singer Lola Dolores offer their personal take on the roughness of taranto, a form of flamenco. It is a variety of dance that originated in the Adalucian mining region of Almería. It is accompanied by a simple, dry song without guitar accompaniment that was developed from its need to be sung independently.

Both artists adopt the principle of chance in the piece and create a good-humoured atmosphere with their unabashed gestures. Their choreography moves smoothly from easy to swirling movements in which their heels create a laughing, plaintive rhythm on the floor as the space is enveloped in a song that never wants to end.

Direction, creation and performance: María del Mar Suárez La Chachi
Singing: Lola Dolores
Lighting: Azael Ferrer
Wardrobe: Eva Hurtado
External counseling: Jana Pacheco
Graphic design: Carmen Moreno
International Distribution: Luisa Hedo

The guest performance is supported by Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) within the framework of the Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture (PICE) through the mobility grants and aerowaves - dance across europe, funded by the European Union.

Photo: Eneko Filmaker